Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another Miles Goes Bald!

I know we all saw this day coming and although he is not yet completely bald I really see no point in keeping a half full head of hair around so.....

We all took it pretty well except sarah who took one look at her dad and was completely devastated!! We all tried to calm her down but, well this is how our conversation went; Sarah: how will it be o.k? it just wouldn't work with dad taking me to school or even if he would ever pick mer up "it is just too much mommy" Mom: Oh honey its o.k, Papa Rick is bald and you still love him, and no one makes fun of him right? Sarah: yes but, but he's old he's supposed to be bald! Jared: Oh I'm sorry honey, I can't help it. people would laugh if they ever look at the top of my head and see it with a few bald spots and me pretending to have a full head of hair.

At this point I can't hold it in anymore and just begin to laugh so hard while our poor sarah sobbed and then, Jared said the funniest thing. I'm not losing my hair is migrating from my head to my back because is colder there. That is all it took plus a rub on daddy's new bald head and sarah was happy. I will never forget how patient and loving Jared was with his daughter and her little crisis.